With time, our natural teeth ages and get discoloured. This condition can some people feel self-conscious, and therefore, they choose to have a teeth whitening treatment. A professional teeth whitening treatment can offer a quick, safe and effective solution to enhance the beauty of your smile, giving you whiter and brighter teeth.


How Safe is Teeth Whitening?

Clinical studies and extensive research has proven that Teeth Whitening is a safe procedure, and many people consider it to achieve a bright and sparkling smile. It’s normal to feel a bit of sensitivity after a teeth whitening treatment, so consulting your dentist is highly recommended as it is with any oral or dental procedure.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

A Teeth Whitening treatment refers to the process of lightening the teeth with a targeted approach to give you whiter sparkling teeth. Our specialised dentists can offer you a custom-made professional In-Chair Teeth Whitening treatment for a quick makeover. It is a great way to get a sparkling smile with a relaxing and pleasant procedure.

You may also opt for at-home teeth whitening treatment with a quick follow-up treatment at the clinic. Take-home whitening treatment utilises custom-made trays or whitening agents to help you improve your teeth colour for a dramatic change.

With such fantastic options, you can expect to lighten the teeth for a whiter, brighter smile. Click here to book a consultation.


How Long Does the Results of the Treatment Last?

Our teeth whitening in Perth, Australia has plenty of options for you. Your dentist will recommend the suitable options during your dental consultation and help you achieve the best possible results. To look after your teeth post-treatment, we recommend following good oral hygiene along with using prescribed maintenance products that are safe to use and will also keep your smile white and bright for much longer.

Watch what you eat or drink. Refrain from food or drinks that may stain the teeth to increase the durability/longevity of the treatment and yes, don’t forget to visit your dentist regularly for a quick check-up or clean-up treatments.

Our Approach to Teeth Whitening Treatment

Our dentists use the latest tools and techniques for teeth whitening treatments, and each can be tailor-made depending on your budget and preference. We can also determine a suitable teeth colour with a quick teeth shade assessment. The procedure uses high quality and safe teeth whitening products that are designed to reduce the risk of exacerbating any sensitivity during the process.  We offer you a perfect match for getting your teeth to lighten by nine to 12 shades, and you get to see the results instantly; however remember, that teeth whitening treatments cannot affect or alter the other restorative dental treatment that you may have including crowns, veneers, and bridges. Individual results may vary depending on an individual’s natural teeth stains and tooth colour.

Connect with our specialised dentists to know more about our teeth whitening treatments.